Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Fired up...

This month’s Runners World magazine is all about marathons and it is getting me fired up. I hope I can maintain this level of excitement for the next six months as I get ready for the marathon. These cooler mornings help too. I was going to ride this morning, but decided that Yoga would be enough for today. I don’t want to go in with tired quads, I have enough trouble balancing as it is!

Bobby had baseball practice last night and while I was out at the fields, I started looking around to see if I could run out there. The fields aren’t surrounded by the best neighborhood and it is dark during most of his practice. I think I will be able to go on one of the empty fields and do some speed work though. Once I get my Garmin 405, I will really be able to judge my distance and then I can run laps around the fields for distance too.

Fall is a great time for running races. I just went through my calendar last night and I believe you could run some sort of race every weekend between now and Thanksgiving. This year, I am going to run a Turkey Trot somewhere on Thanksgiving day to offset my food intake. Weight Watchers takes a holiday on holidays.... I just have to remember to keep it a holiday and not turn it into a holiweek!


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