Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Standing still but gaining ground?

Well, today is a cross training day and I used yoga for that. It always amazes me how much I can sweat while standing still!

I toyed with the idea of taking a short run this morning, but I am glad I didn’t as we worked our lower body pretty hard in class today.

Two months into yoga and I can see some real progress. On a good day, I can actually touch my toes with my legs straight. That is probably an improvement of 3 to 4 inches in flexibility. If you saw me today you might laugh at this, but my balance is improving as well. Today I managed to fall forward onto my head twice during crow pose, I hope my head didn’t dent the floor! The first time I tried crow pose a month ago, I couldn’t bend my knees enough to really get in position to balance.

Another area of improvement is my quadriceps flexibility. They have stretched out nicely and my stride feels much more balanced when I run.

Five days straight of running coming up with the Furman Blue Shoes 5K part of it on Saturday.

It looks like I have a couple of wet runs coming up if the weather forecasters know what they are talking about. Sometimes I really enjoy running in the rain. I hope this will be one of those times.


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