Friday, October 17, 2008

10 miles and a fall....

If you were driving down East North Street this morning and saw a guy perfectly execute a face plant on the sidewalk in front of the Bi-Lo at the North Hills Shopping Center, that was me!

It was quite an experience. I thought I had perfectly planted my foot on the curb I was stepping onto, only to have it slide off and leave me doing a Super Man like dive to the concrete. Fortunately, I just scraped up my hands and bruised my pride bone pretty good. I briefly thought about doing 10 push ups to make people think I had some kind of really tough training program going, but my hands were burning too much for that.

I got up and kept on moving. The blood clotted up pretty quickly so it wasn’t too bad as I finished up the run. I wanted to go for 13 or 14 miles, but I just didn’t get started early enough.

I liked the Clif Shot Bloks. The texture and flavor were pretty good and I washed them down with a bottle of water with no problem. I felt a pick up pretty shortly after eating them. I’ll definitely take some on the half next week.


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