Monday, January 19, 2009

21 hours after hitting 'the wall'

Still having some IT Band pain on my right knee today and a lot of general soreness in my legs. I do yoga tomorrow (if the snow holds off), so hopefully I will be able to run some on Wednesday. I slept well on my decision to skip the marathon this year, so I am even more certain that it was the right choice.

I may try to do some long runs next fall and see if I can build up to an 18-20 miler then. Right now, I am going to adjust my schedule to be a little more relaxed. I think I am going to shoot for 25-30 miles a week with the occasional 35 mile week thrown in. That should keep me ready to run a half if I find one and in good shape for any 10K or 5K races.

I am considering running one of the Green Valley races in order to get my 'one race a month' goal for this year, but the timing doesn't work out well with the kid's basketball games. I'll have to see if there is anything else available. Right now it appears that I can still hit all my 2009 goals except for getting my 26.2 sticker.


  1. Perhaps you are running too much. Don't give up on the marathon yet. Cut back on miles this week and relax. I had IT band issues with my first marathon. I got new shoes and a IT band strap and I was able finished it.

  2. I'll be honest... I lost all motivation for the marathon on Sunday. I may try again, but it just seemed like everything was piling up against me running it and then that happened.

    Yoga normally takes care of my IT Band. I plan on running tomorrow and seeing how it feels. I think I discovered that I was running the marathon for the wrong reasons and that will be my next blog topic!
