Sunday, February 1, 2009

Two good runs this weekend....

I had two good runs this weekend, including a great tempo run on Saturday. That said, I am having a bad case of the 'marathon dropout blues'. Logically I know I made the right decision because my body was just not ready. However, now that I am running shorter distances I feel great and really wish I was going to run in two weeks. I'll be glad when I actually have a race coming up so I can change my focus. Right now, I am not scheduled to run until March 7 at the Reedy River Run. I would like to find a race in February so I can make my 'race in each month' goal, but with the kids playing basketball on Saturday mornings for the next few weeks I may not get a chance.

I am having one problem and I think it might be a shoe issue. My feet are hurting/cramping a lot more than they ever have before and it is especially bad after I crest a hill. I am going to run in an alternate pair of shoes tomorrow and see if it is any different. If it is, I may have to look at lacing issues and hope that can fix the problem.

I am enjoying the fact that days are getting a little longer. I can't wait until the morning light is here early enough for me to get out and run before work.


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