Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Warm weather don't go away!

While I must admit that I don't like how my pace tends to slow down in the heat, at least until I am used to it again, I am really going to be sad to see the temperatures drop starting tomorrow.

Top 10 things I like about running in the heat:

10. Dogs are too hot to chase me, except for the Chihuahua on Mimosa Drive.
9. People don't think I am as much of a wimp for wearing my fuel belt.
8. Much easier to get ready for a run when tights are not involved.
7. Easier pit stops if necessary... See #8
6. The joy of sweat burning your eyes.
5. 'Stuff' doesn't freeze to your face.
4. Wind feels good when you are hot.
3. More likely to swallow a bug while gasping for air in warm weather.
2. I don't have to guess if a shirt is clean or not, I can just sniff it and tell.
1. When nobody is looking I get to relive my childhood and run through sprinklers when my neighbors are watering their yards.

1 comment:

  1. LIKE swallowing bugs? Interesting. :) I also enjoy your very delicate use of the word "stuff" in #5.
