The rain has not only caused me to miss runs, it has also caused me to eat more. That is a bad combination and I want to reverse both starting today. I can't do much about the running today, but I am making a concerted effort to get my eating back on track!
The most recent Runners World had a lot of information about runners and weight loss. It is evident that I have been taking advantage of my high calorie burn to keep my weight in check without actually eating the best foods to support my running. So, I am making an effort to get back to 100% whole grain breads and to eat more fish and other lean protein. I am also going to (once again) try to incorporate more strength training, OK - you can strike the 'more' :) , into my week.
An ideal week will look like this for me:
Run: M, W, F, Sun
Weights: T, Th
X-Train: T, Th
Yoga: Saturday
Now, the odds of me having a week like that are slim, but I hope to get one in and then go from there. This week I am already off since I didn't run today. Perhaps I can get weights and a run in tomorrow. I can always dream.....
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