Monday, March 16, 2009

I used to be a runner?

It feels like it has been a month since I ran. I know it has only been 5 days, but this rain makes me feel like it has been forever since I ran. I am glad that it is moving out and that it will be sunny tomorrow.

The rain has not only caused me to miss runs, it has also caused me to eat more. That is a bad combination and I want to reverse both starting today. I can't do much about the running today, but I am making a concerted effort to get my eating back on track!

The most recent Runners World had a lot of information about runners and weight loss. It is evident that I have been taking advantage of my high calorie burn to keep my weight in check without actually eating the best foods to support my running. So, I am making an effort to get back to 100% whole grain breads and to eat more fish and other lean protein. I am also going to (once again) try to incorporate more strength training, OK - you can strike the 'more' :) , into my week.

An ideal week will look like this for me:

Run: M, W, F, Sun
Weights: T, Th
X-Train: T, Th
Yoga: Saturday

Now, the odds of me having a week like that are slim, but I hope to get one in and then go from there. This week I am already off since I didn't run today. Perhaps I can get weights and a run in tomorrow. I can always dream.....


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