Monday, December 22, 2008


If I told you I stared at myself in a mirror for two hours, you would think I was narcissistic.  If I told you that I was actually running on a treadmill that happened to be in front of a mirror for two hours, you would think I was just crazy.  I would tend to agree with you.  It was just too cold for me to consider a 12 mile run outside today.  I don't have the proper gear for my legs yet and I couldn't imagine two hours out in sub-freezing temps.  

I got the 12 miles in on the treadmill, but even with the TV and staring at myself in the mirror it was miserable.  I did kind of enjoy seeing people come in, struggle through their workout and leave while I was only 1/3 of the way through my run.  It was a little of an ego boost, but after a while I just felt like an idiot.  I really missed being outside and noticing little things about the neighborhood while I was running.  I missed seeing friends and some of the dogs that greet me along my route...  I'll definitely be happy when my running tights get here so I don't have to go through that again.

At least I was able to keep a perfect pace up for the entire run....


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