Monday, December 29, 2008

16 miles yesterday...

Yesterday was a great day for running.  It was overcast with mist/rain during a lot of my run.  I plugged away and got my 16 miles in despite having a less than stellar day of fueling and hydration on Saturday.  The 16 miler was supposed to be next Sunday, but I went ahead and ran it because of the half marathon I am running this coming Saturday.

It was the furthest run of my training cycle so far and it felt pretty good.  I think I could have gone 18 if I had to.  Because of the rain, I wore an older pair of shoes.  I think that I would have felt even better if I had been in my new shoes.  

I tried a Roctane and a regular GU during the run and I seemed to stomach them OK.  I will probably keep experimenting during the next few long runs to see what I like best and how much of it I can tolerate.  

I did 1.25 miles on a track during the run and that was OK.  I also had a loop that I doubled up on.  I didn't mind it as much as I thought I would, although I am going to try and find a route that doesn't have any repeat loops in it for my next long run.  The rest of this week is pretty easy as I go 6 miles tomorrow and 7 miles on Thursday.  I was supposed to do 6 on Friday, but with the half on Saturday I'll probably skip that run.

One other note, I did the long run without my iPod.  I ran for 2 hours and 45 minutes with nothing in my head except for my own thoughts.  For those of you that know me, that is pretty scary!


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