Thursday, August 28, 2008

Ran anyway...

I wasn’t going to run today since I have a 10K tomorrow night and a 5K on Saturday morning, but I just didn’t want to go to the gym this morning. I ran 5 easy and should be fine for tomorrow night. The Anderson Midnight Flight does not allow headphones, so I have been running all week without my iPod. I have been really surprised how easy it has been. I have run with my music since the beginning, so I wondered how I would adjust. My A.D.D. brain just flips from one topic to another and I lose track of time. It is really pretty pleasant and I think I may continue without it for a while.

I got Bart Yasso’s (Runners World Magazine Guru) new book My Life on the Run and Bingham’s Marathoning for Mortals for my birthday. I started Yasso’s book first and it is a great read so far. I had read excerpts of it in Runner’s World and it piqued my interest. I’ll write more on it when I finish reading the book.

OK, I think today is the day that I finally sign up for the Spinx half...


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